
2:42 AM

Update 2007/02/20: As of today, I am taking this site down: now that the new Blogger is out of beta, there is no longer a point to keeping my templates available. To all those who wrote me with appreciation and encouragement, thank you very much. To everyone else: happy blogging!

Update 2007/01/27: First, an apology to all of you who wrote me months ago and never got a reply; I have no excuse other than I have been very busy with work. Most of the questions I get these days are actually only one question: do your templates work with the new Blogger? The answer is, unfortunately, no.

The corollary to that question is: will they ever be upgraded to work with the new Blogger? The answer to that question is also, unfortunately, no. I've been using WordPress as my blogging engine for the past two years, and have no plans to move back to Blogger. I am actually planning on taking this site down in the near future. Thanks so much to all of you who have written with words of appreciation.



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